Mom's Tip 2: Disconnect
Turn off your cell phone—really and truly, totally off—for several hours in the weekend.
Technology can be addictive, and it can change the core of who we are as people. Researchers believe that when we are over-connected to technology (including our email, the Internet, and our cell phones) we can become more impatient, impulsive, forgetful—and even more self-centered. These qualities do not make us happier people or better parents.
Disconnecting from technology can help us reconnect with who we really are, what is truly important to us, and what really makes us happy.
Technology can be addictive, and it can change the core of who we are as people. Researchers believe that when we are over-connected to technology (including our email, the Internet, and our cell phones) we can become more impatient, impulsive, forgetful—and even more self-centered. These qualities do not make us happier people or better parents.
Disconnecting from technology can help us reconnect with who we really are, what is truly important to us, and what really makes us happy.
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